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Ways to grow your brand’s social media presence

Ways to grow your brand’s social media presence

It’s hard to find a modern-day brand that does not have a social media presence. But a lot of brands may not be doing it the right way. Simply posting random content, using a bunch of hashtags or mentions is not enough to build a strong presence on social media. To make your brand truly stand out on social media, you need to have a well thought out, active social media marketing strategy. Here, we share some tips for boosting your brand’s social media presence

1. Set clear goals for your social media marketing

You need to be sure what results you want from your marketing campaign. This will set the basic direction for your future social media posts. Your goals could range from increasing sales, bringing more traffic to your website, enhancing your brand image, or simply reaching out to a larger audience.

2. Understand your audience

Observe what your target audience likes to talk about and how they seek inspiration. Based on who your target audience is, look out for the platforms they use most often to solicit opinions for purchase decisions. By understanding your audience, you will be able to design a much more informed social media marketing strategy.

3. Establish two-way communication!

One of the most important elements of creating a strong social media presence is engagement and to engage successfully with your audience, you need to establish two way communication. In simple words, actively interacting with your audience will give a ‘human’ touch to your brand. It will prevent your audience from feeling that they are being talked to by a robot. By responding to your audience’s posts and comments, they will feel more connected to you and will want to interact on your social media more often.

4. Integrate all your social media accounts

Having separate strategies for each of your social media platforms is a good way of keeping your marketing campaigns running effectively. Align your content thought out each platform to your brand’s identity. Anything you post on one social media platform must not contradict what you post on another. This will deliver a consistent message to your entire target audience regardless of the social platform they prefer to use.

5. Design share-worthy content

Not only does your social media content have to be visually appealing, but it should also add value to your specific target market. Videos are a great way of conveying messages in a far more engaging way than through plain text. Having great social media content can also increase the amount of relevant traffic that visits your website.

6. Explore other platforms

Many brands make the mistake of restricting themselves to a few platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. A significant proportion of your target audience might be more active on other platforms. By not maintaining a presence on these other platforms, you might be losing out on potential customers. Therefore, it's a good idea to branch out to other sites such as Pinterest, Reddit, or Kuaishou.

7. Engage with influencers

Influencers on social media can take your social media marketing campaigns to another level. This is because they already have an established following, so you won’t have to spend huge sums trying to capture the attention of the relevant audience. Their followers also trust their opinions and rely on them as a source of information and inspiration for making purchase decisions. 

Influencer Hub can help your brand execute successful collaborations with influencers. With over 2000 registered influencers, your brand can choose to collaborate with your desired influencers within your specific niche. Our platform also helps you monitor progress on your campaigns and measure returns on your influencer marketing investment. Find out more about how Influencer Hub can grow your brand's social media presence by clicking here.