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Find Instagram Influencers

Find Instagram Influencers

Instagram influencer marketing is a highly effective way of reaching the right audience while generating a high return on marketing investment. Instagram is also the most widely used platform for social media influencer marketing, with the number of monthly active users exceeding 1 billion by the end of 2019, a number that is continuously growing. Around 5 years back, it was much easier to stand out on Instagram if you were to promote your brand, compared to today. This is because the number of Instagram influencers and the number of brands that use Instagram influencer marketing has rapidly increased. To execute a successful social media marketing campaign through Instagram in this highly competitive market, you need to understand the right way to find Instagram influencers first.

There are hundreds of thousands of Instagram influencers, but you need to first identify how large do intend your campaign to be. This depends on the type of product you are marketing as well as the characteristics of your consumers. Almost one third of influencers on instagram are micro-influencers, meaning that they have a following of between 1000 and 10000 followers. Even if you want to reach a slightly larger market, you might find it useful to target micro-influencers. This is because micro-influencers have a higher engagement rate with their audience, which only cements the relationship of trust between followers and influencers further. Instagram influencers with over 1 million followers are often disconnected with their audience and with the huge variability in tastes, income groups and consumption habits of a large follower base, a brand may not be able to target precisely the kind of segment they want to.

Find Instagram influencers who have already shared posts similar to the content you are trying to roll out. It is not sufficient to just identify all the influencers within your field or niche and proceed to target random ones from it. There are a large number of influencers out there for most industries, such as the beauty industry or the food industry. Collaborating with an influencer within your niche that does not align with the way your brand intends to portray itself will not yield fruitful results.

You also need to have a plan about the kind of tools you want to use once you have engaged with the right Instagram influencers. This includes deciding whether you’ll employ hashtag campaigns, promo codes, product reviews, discounts, competitions or giveaways. This will help you find Instagram influencers that are willing and able to engage with you on your desired types of campaigns. In addition, be on the lookout for Instagram influencers who use videos. According to BigCommerce, 4 out of 5 millenials prefer to watch a video when they are looking to make a buying decision.

Another factor to be wary about is the regulatory framework surrounding paid partnerships with brands. Your goal should be to develop an honest relationship with influencers based on a high level of trust. The FTC has increasingly become more strict about disclosing sponsorships and partnerships on social media. This makes it imperative for you to check first whether the influencers you are selecting are complying with these regulations and are honest in their disclosures of paid partnerships with brands.

Finding Instagram influencers becomes much easier if you use the services of an influencer marketing agency. Influencer Hub is a platform designed specifically to help bridge the gap between brands and Instagram influencers. It makes your job of finding Instagram influencers so much easier. Just select the category that you want to target and you will find a variety of influencers in that niche. It will save you the time, effort and cost of trying to go through thousands of Instagram accounts trying to find the relevant ones first.

When you are done finding the right Instagram influencers, you can then embark on creating a meaningful collaboration with these Instagram influencers to help your brand reach its maximum potential.