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Why influencer marketing has become more important during COVID-19

With the world transforming against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are experiencing losses, people are losing jobs, and consumption trends are changing. Amid this, businesses and marketers are finding it difficult to keep their audiences engaged. Here come the content creators, known as influencers, who are gaining high popularity these days. These influencers have found ways to increase their engagement in the face of present crises. Also, influencers are not only helping their online communities cope with fear but are helping them make critical purchasing decisions as well. This blog highlights the factors why influencer marketing has become more important during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Influencers benefit brand audience:

 Consumers still need products and services even though demand trends have been changing considerably. Businesses need to operate to generate cash flow, employees need salaries and consumers need to buy products essential for survival or general wellbeing. In the current situation of crises, businesses need to re-evaluate their marketing strategies for increased effectiveness. It is integral to keep in mind that a marketing campaign is most effective when it successfully benefits the end consumer of a brand. More so than most marketing channels, influencer marketing helps brands positively impact their customers with content that focuses on social awareness and positivity. This way brands will help their customers far beyond the sale of a product or service and will earn respect and popularity.

  • Influencers get the message out:

The best way a brand can help its consumers amidst the coronavirus pandemic is by spreading the word about the best practices for personal health. These include social distancing, staying home, washing hands, and giving the right information about the spread of COVID-19. Influencers can help brands take health and wellness a step further. Instead of just promoting the products, brands can partner with influencers to help their audience stay active and mentally stable while at home. This way brands can leverage influencer relationship management to build a stronger bond with their customers and influencer team.

  • The public trusts influencers:

Influencers do not just collaborate with any brand; they only partner with businesses and organizations with which they share common values and through which they can deliver value to their audience. Similarly, followers trust their influencers and believe that their favorite influencer has their best interests at heart.

  • Influencers provide an escape:

Influencers are professional content creators. They know how to show resiliency in the face of any difficulty and how to inspire their audience to distract themselves with new hobbies and habits. Influencers are positively entertaining while consumers are drawing hope and inspiration from influencers’ content whether it’s a music video on TikTok or humor in a daily vlog.

  • Influencer marketing benefits brands:

Last but not least, influencer marketing benefits brands. Brands and businesses which are not making any effort to change their marketing approach during COVID-19 are likely to become obsolete. Or, at the very least, they will have to overcome the significant disconnect resulting from ignoring opportunities to do good at a time when their consumers are struggling. Brands can position themselves as part of an authentic social good movement by hiring influencers. These influencers whose identities are built on integrity and authenticity will help the brand to achieve solidarity with their customers. Moreover, influencers will not only help brands in producing authentic media content effectively but will also give valuable insights into the concerns and needs of customers. No other marketing approach earns trust with customers as does influencer marketing.

As brands grapple with their corporate social responsibility, marketing approach, and financial sustainability during the spread of COVID-19, partnering with influencers could be the best option to thrive despite economic disruption. It would be a smart step if brands proactively connect with influencers and strengthen their relationship with customers. We understand that finding the right influencers and effective marketing strategy is crucial for businesses as the decision making and collaboration process requires a lot of time and energy. Therefore, we at Influencer Hub provides a platform for brands to connect with influencers as a one-stop solution. Influencer Hub makes the process of choosing the most effective marketing medium for brands and strengthening of bond with customers easier and simpler. Click here to learn more about how we can help brands connect with influencers for successful marketing campaigns.