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Influencer Marketing Manager - What You Should Know About The Role

Influencer Marketing Manager - What You Should Know About The Role

About a decade ago, the role of a social media marketing manager seemed unusual to brands. Now, an even more specialised role has emerged and is garnering importance in the social media marketing team of businesses around the world. Brands that realise the importance of incorporating influencer marketing in their marketing strategy are beginning to see the value in having a dedicated manager for this function. Today, we'll explain what you need to know about this role and what it takes to become one.


An influencer marketing manager is responsible for managing all of a brand’s influencers. Their responsibilities are broadly centred around the following:

  1. Influencer hiring
  2. Influencer relationship management
  3. Influencer reporting


Many of the other skills needed for becoming an influencer marketing manager overlap with those expected from a social media marketing manager. Some of the important abilities and tasks central to the influencer marketing manager role are as follows.


1. Connecting with the right influencers

An influencer marketing manager must have the ability to identify the influencers that are the best fit for working with the brand. This must be in accordance with the brand's identity, style, the kind of image it intends to portray and the goals it has set for its influencer marketing.


2. Creating and maintaining relationships

This is a critical skill for any influencer marketing manager to have. They need to select the right influencers and establish a strong working relationship with them, that would be mutually beneficial. When there is a large number of influencers to manage, use of the right software and influencer management tools becomes important.


3. Employing technical tools effectively

The role of influencer marketing managers makes heavy use of software to manage influencers and their collaborations, so knowledge of and experience with such software is a key expectation from an influencer marketing manager. Software and technical tools can greatly reduce the need for the influencer marketing manager to have a large team.


4. Result tracking and analytics

Tracking results can be a bit tricky when it comes to influencer marketing since there are so many ways to do it. Again, using the right tools, metrics and analytics is crucial for successfully doing so. An influencer marketing manager must also continuously communicate with influencers about progress and campaign tracking.

A skilled and effective influencer marketing manager can play a pivotal role in expanding the brand’s reach. Other departments and functions can also benefit from insights provided by an influencer marketing manager.

Influencer management can become much easier for an influencer marketing manager by utilising the services of an influencer marketing agency like Influencer Hub. Influencer Hub provides a comprehensive platform that facilitates brands and influencers in executing successful collaborations. It provides a complete set of services for influencer management such as influencer vetting, hiring, relationship management, communication, strategy development, campaign execution and reporting. This makes the task of an influencer marketing manager much more efficient and simplified and also almost completely removes the need of having an entire team under the influencer marketing manager, which will help your brand keep influencer marketing costs low and returns high. Register with Influencer Hub today to simplify and optimize your influencer marketing!