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Coronavirus - How influencers and brands can navigate their way through it

Coronavirus - How influencers and brands can navigate their way through it

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the globe, physical distancing measures are being set in place by countries to limit the amount of social interactions that take place. The United States has already reported over 124,000 cases as of 29 March, a number that is growing everyday. Most states have enacted restrictions on travel and social interactions. In the business world, an increasing number of businesses are switching to remote working arrangements. A record 3.3 million people filed for unemployment during the third week of March. 

During this difficult time, businesses around the world are increasingly making employees work from home. This has widespread implications on the dynamic of working, as well as purchasing. Under the given circumstances, influencer marketing presents several opportunities for both businesses who wish to market their products, as well as people in isolation who wish to work from home. The situation at hand is likely to have the following implications, which can be used as an opportunity during an otherwise stressful time.

1. Influencers can promote more

With a lot more time and flexibility at their disposal, social media influencers have more time and focus on their hands to promote on social media even more effectively. More available time also entails that influencers can get more creative, explore DIY trends and come up with novel ways to execute promotions for brands. This presents itself as an excellent opportunity for brands to accelerate their social media marketing campaigns. 

2. Shopping has shifted online

People are staying home to practice social distancing, and will be resorting to online shopping in place of physically going out, so this is the right time for brands to get their products marketed online. Product placements on social media will have a much higher chance now of actually triggering action i.e. a purchase.

3. People have more time to spend on social media

With flexible modes of work and more time on their hands, we can expect social media usage to increase even more among the quarantined. This has already started to manifest; according to a study from Obviously, the coronavirus outbreak is making people spend more time on all the social media platforms they already spend a significant proportion of their time on. This means that influencers can expect a much higher viewership on their accounts during the lockdown period. Brands can also expect a higher return on marketing investment because of this.

What can brands do?

Brands can make use of this time to launch campaigns of their products/services and find relevant influencers with large followings. People are staying home to practice social distancing, and will be resorting to online shopping in place of physically going out, so this is an opportune time to leverage influencer marketing and get products marketed online.

We encourage our brands registered at Influencer Hub to not let this opportunity go to waste and collaborate with the maximum number of influencers, including new ones who have now joined our portal. From our diverse range of influencers with massive following, brands can increase their collaborations  and maximize their reach.

However, Influencer Hub is not accepting a lot of business since we want to take our time as we carefully scrutinize brands, and only want to work with those which seem safe, secure and credible - which is why you might see a fewer number of campaigns being launched. New brands can register here to start working with Influencer Hub and launch successful marketing campaigns.

How can influencers benefit?

Now is a good time for influencers to utilize their influencer marketing expertise. Influencer Hub will try our best to give influencers more work-from-home opportunities in terms of influencer marketing and product promotions; thereby allowing them to earn from the comfort of their own home.

In light of the coronavirus outbreak, we have finished our requirement of a minimum number of followers to register as an influencer, which means that anyone can now become an influencer on our portal and start working from home. We have done this to ensure  convenience in an otherwise distressing time for all of us. Register today to start earning while you practice social distancing.