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5 SEO trends to look out for in 2020

5 SEO trends to look out for in 2020

The rise of artificial intelligence, virtual reality and machine learning techniques has enabled users of media to interact with data in revolutionary ways. There have already been significant changes in this area over the past five years, but this is the time when transformations are so rapid, that they will make or break your chance of excelling as a business. To stay ahead of the game, you need to keep up with emerging trends in the digital age before the competition advances too far ahead. Today, we will discuss five such trends.


1. Video optimization

According to Cisco, consumption of video content will exceed far ahead of other types of content, at around 85%. This presents a huge opportunity for businesses to leverage videos to boost their content visibility across search engines. Video content is much more interactive and easily comprehensible compared to written text, making it more engaging and capable of bringing higher traffic to your website. Increasingly, businesses are choosing to host video content on their own websites rather than through platforms such as YouTube to direct traffic straight to their website. Whatever platform you use, a well researched, high quality and engaging video will enable your business to gain an added advantage in the SEO arena.


2. The growing importance of keywords

2020 will be all about creating content for specific searches. SEO keywords are those terms or phrases which can be included in website content to improve their search result ranking on search engines. By carefully researching and selecting appropriate keywords, your website can rank much higher when those particular terms are searched. Using the right keywords can also help filter the right type of traffic into your website; it will allow you to attract those people on your website who have a genuine interest in what you do and might actually end up becoming a customer.


3. Mobile web optimization

Though this is nothing new, it might come as a surprise that many businesses are losing out in the SEO game because they don’t have their websites designed separately for mobile viewing. For your business to attract maximum traffic and make them stay on or return to it, it must be fully functional and convenient to view on a mobile phone screen. Due to the gradual yet huge shift from desktop viewing to mobile viewing, Google introduced its new Mobile First policy, which essentially entails that you must prioritize making a website design that is suitable for mobile viewing before you make one for desktop viewing. This does not mean that you have to scrap your desktop optimized website and start designing a new one for mobile phones from scratch. You just need to ensure that your website is convenient to use and view regardless of the platform being used.


4. Social media’s increasing role in SEO

Social media content will have a fundamental role in digital marketing and SEO in 2020. Though the link between SEO and social media might be debatable, its role in marketing cannot be ignored. Social media allows fast sharing of content, which can really help boost visibility of your content. To fully benefit from its potential, you need to optimize your social media profile first. Make sure your brand’s image, content and style is consistent across all social media platforms. By consistently posting share-worthy content, being responsive and conversational on social media and making adequate use of videos and interactive content, your business will be able to greatly benefit from a boost in search results.


5. Optimization for voice search

Voice search is already a huge trend and is getting bigger and bigger! It is therefore crucial that you optimize your website for voice search. According to Google, 41% of adults and 55% of teens use voice search on a daily basis. To add to that, 20% of all mobile searches on Google are through voice commands. Voice searching is gaining popularity primarily because searching with voice commands is around 3.7 times faster than typing, according to Bing. It is also much more convenient and perfectly adapted to mobile searches. Voice search optimization will allow businesses to cater to searches that are more conversational and longer in length. I will also include answers to entry questions such as ‘What’s the difference between exchange traded funds and mutual funds?’ in addition to just keywords and short phrases.


Whether you have just started to incorporate SEO into your marketing strategy or are looking to benefit from it at a more advanced level, Tech Titans can help you with it! Be it digital marketing, web development or ERP software, we’ve got you covered. In an age where your business simply cannot afford to lag behind in the tech landscape, Tech Titans is here to facilitate your business in staying ahead of the competition. Head on to this page to know more about the various ways in which we can help your business!